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Meet our new DYD

The Rev. Efraín Pineda and his wife Alexa are the senior pastors of Vida Church located in Amarillo, Texas. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of the R.E.D Pastors and Leaders Congress in the United States. As a mentor and spiritual father to many pastors and leaders, he enjoys spending time to Restore, Equip and Develop the gift that God has given to each of them. He is also the author of several books including "7 Keys to Successful Leadership" and "Honrando tu Cobertura". Pastor Efraín has also served in many other capacities throughout the country representing the Hispanic Evangelical Community in Congress, the White House and other renowned conferences.

He has also had the opportunity to speak in more than 30 states, and throughout Central America and the Caribbean. And last, but not least, Pastor Pineda shares his passion for missions by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ as part of the board of directors of Mike Silva International, a ministry that brings the Good News with Festivals to Latin America reaching over 150,000 people in every event, every night.

His wife, friend and his greatest support, Pastor Alexa M. Pineda, was born and raised in Queens, New York. Born to a Peruvian father and Colombian mother she takes great pride in her Latin roots and vivid cultures.

After undergoing many hardships in her childhood and youth it was at 17 years old that she met her Lord Jesus and vowed that if He would forgive her of all her iniquities she would go and rescue others like her. It was that vow that has been the driving force behind the passion she speaks with at Youth Conferences and Camps across the country and Latin America.

Recently it has been her deserts and dark valleys as an adult that have ignited her to speak into the lives of women with a message of restoration, determination and power. She bases her ministry on The Samaritan Woman of John 4, calling it “The Queen of Hearts”.

Her desire to cast greater nets for Christ have birthed conferences around the country like, BNC – Be Not Conformed (youth), TEM - Tocando el Manto (physical, emotional, spiritual healing of women) and My Hearts Journey (bridging the gap between younger and older generations of women).

For more than 20 years the Lord has used her to in revolutionizing, prophesying and releasing a powerful word over the coming generations.

Today Pastor Alexa together with her husband Efrain are currently the Lead Pastors at Vida Church in Amarillo, Texas.